296 Cedar Street South
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Adult Initiation

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - The RCIA is not just a convert class with a new name.  It looks different too.  Special Rites are celebrated during the Sunday Liturgies at various times throughout the year.  The RCIA involves the whole parish -- in prayer as the rites are celebrated, in hospitality as new members are welcomed, and in specific ministries like sponsor, or team member. 

The RCIA helps adults to grow in their relationship with God, become familiar with Catholic teachings and practices, get acquainted with people in the parish and get involved in service within the parish or the wider community.

Many persons who want to join the Catholic Church have already been baptized in another Christian Church.  They will not be re-baptized.

These are the steps:

  1. Period of Inquiry -- a gathering of other adults who are also inquiring about the Catholic faith.
  2. Rite of Acceptance into the order of Catechumens and the Period of the Catechumenate -- After you have made your decision to begin more formal study of the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church.  This is the first time that the inquirers publicly declare their faith before the parish community.  Each person will have a Sponsor who will stand along side the Catechumen. 
  3. Rite of Election -- With the help of their sponsors and the parish RCIA team, the Catechumen discern whether God is calling them to receive the Sacraments of initiation. (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist). 
  4. Initiation and Mystagogia -- On Holy Saturday, the parish assembles for the Easter Vigil.   The time between Easter and Pentecost is a special opportunity to reflect on the commitment which they have made to the Lord, to the Church, and to the parish community.  This time of unfolding the meaning of the initiation sacraments is called mystagogia.

The journey of faith lasts a lifetime.  The weeks after Easter are a time for the new Catholics to seek out their place in the parish community.  Other parishioners can reach out to welcome them, helping them to get involved and feel at home.