296 Cedar Street South
Phone: 705-268-3053
Fax: N/A

Parish Pastoral Council


What it is.

A group of committed parishioners with the pastor and persons mandated by the Bishop, are concerned with the realization of the mission of the Church in parish life.

Objectives of the PPC

To support everything that might contribute a more vibrant Christian community.

Role of PPC

  • To observe - know its milieu as well as the realities of the region and the diocese
  • To discern - establish priorities in response to identified needs for short, medium and long term.
  • To plan - the programs for the pastoral year according to the needs of the members of the community.  Along with the finance committee it determines costs of projects.
  • To organize - it puts specific projects in place
  • To coordinate - so that resources are being properly utilized. It tries to establish ties with other parishes in its pastoral region and with other regions of our diocese.
  • To lead - it tries to stimulate and supports people involved in parish organizations. Recognizes the work of volunteers and values the activities of the different groups
  • To inform and communicate - should inform the parish about its activities. Through surveys, parish bulletins or other means, receive and follow up on suggestions and comments by parishioners. It should share important information with its pastoral region or diocese as a whole.

Composition of the PPC

The council should aim to make its membership a true mirror of the community which it serves i.e. socio-economic, cultural, gender, age, etc.

Number of Members

The PPC, to run smoothly should have 4-9 members in addition to the pastoral team. There should be more members from the parish community, than the number of members from the parish team. The PPC is constantly in need of new members. Please volunteer!


Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.  We do no meet during the summer months of July and August.

Present Chair Person

Bruce Nichols (705-267-8280)