SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Fr. John is usually available thirty minutes before weekday Mass to celebrate reconciliation or by appointment.
BAPTISM: Call the Parish Office to register for the next preparation course.
MARRIAGE: Contact Fr. John at least six months before your anticipated date of marriage.
PRIESTHOOD: If you would like further information about becoming a priest, brother, or sister contact Fr. John or visit
SICK CALLS: If you know of a parishioner who is hospitalized or unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion please call the Parish Office.
HOSPITAL VISITATION: If you or a loved one is in the hospital and would appreciate a pastoral visit from Fr. John please call the rectory.
E-BULLETIN: For those who wish to receive an electronic copy of the bulletin each Friday in their inbox, email and request to be added to the e-bulletin list.
SANCTUARY CANDLE INTENTION: For the special intentions of my grandchildren by Anna Loreto.
SANCTUARY CANDLE: Each week we invite you to light the sanctuary lamp in memory of a loved one or for a special intention. The cost is $20.00 and you may drop the donation off at the rectory or place it in the collection with the information enclosed. We are in need of intentions.
WEEKLY COLLECTION UPDATE: September 1st: $2165.00. Weekly Budget: $2350.00. Difference: $185.00. Renovation Fund: $375.00. Thank you for your generous support.
SUPPORTING THE FOOD BANK: Please continue to remember to bring your can goods each week to Mass to help support the Timmins Food Bank. Your generosity will help make the difference in the lives of others who do not have as much as we do.
DAILY MASS: You can follow Mass from St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto at or the Daily TV Mass at
HOW TO E-TRANSFER: For those who wish to donate to the Parish by e-transfer, use the email “” and the security / password “sacredheart”. Thank you for your support!
ANNUAL TIMMINS CEMETERY PRAYER SERVICE: Bishop Poitras will preside at the annual prayer service at the Timmins Cemetery next Sunday (September 15th) at 2:00 P.M. It will take place at the foot of the cross. If desired, please bring your own chair and umbrella for the service. All are welcome!
SCRIPTURE REFLECTION: “Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?” (James 2:5) What is more important – being rich in faith or rich in possessions? Society tells us that possessions are most important. God teaches a different lesson. When we are rich in faith, we keep God first and experience true joy and peace. When we put possessions first, we soon realize we can never have enough and happiness is fleeting. When we put faith over possessions we truly realize it is better to give than receive. (Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office)
DID YOU KNOW THAT A PERSON OFTEN JUST NEEDS TO BE ASKED TO BECOME A CATHOLIC? Are you interested in becoming Catholic, or if you have not made your First Holy Communion and /or Confirmation as a child, or if you are interested in learning more about your faith or just curious about the Church? Is someone you know in the same boat? If so contact Fr. John about the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program starting in the fall.
The September Priests for Life Canada newsletter is at the entrance.
CITY-WIDE MARIAN MASS: Bishop Poitras along with the priests city priests will celebrate a Diocesan Mass this Thursday at 7:00 P.M. at St. Anthony Cathedral to commemorate the Holy Name of Mary. During the Mass those who serve on Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council will be recognized by the Bishop. All are welcome.
FIRST RECONCILIATION & FIRST COMMUNION: Each year we invite students in grade 3 and older to prepare to celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Letters have been sent home for students at Pope Francis Catholic School. For students attending school elsewhere, please call the Parish to register. The first meeting for parents and children will be Thursday, September 26th at 6:30 P.M. at St. Anthony Cathedral Parish Hall. This session is for both Parishes.
CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: To reach out to our sick and elderly parishioners we will hold a celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick for those in need of God’s healing grace this Tuesday during the 4:00 P.M. Mass. According to the teaching of the Church, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick should be celebrated with people who are: 1) seriously ill, 2) are seriously weakened by advanced age, or 3) are scheduled for serious surgery. It is hoped that by offering the Sacrament more regularly, parishioners who are in need of it will take advantage of this opportunity.
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED: We are delighted to be welcoming eight members from NET Ministries (National Evangelization Team) to the Diocese. They will be facilitating retreats for our grade seven and eight students at O’Gorman Intermediate. We are in need host families to billet, in pairs of two, these university aged students from the evening of October 9th to the morning of October 12th. If you are able to assist, please contact Fr. John.
FEAST OF THE EXALTATION OF THE CROSS: On Saturday, September 14th , the Church honours the Glorious Cross of the Lord. Bishop Poitras will celebrate a bilingual Mass at 9:00 A.M. at the Cathedral to mark this day. Afterwards, weather permitting, we will pray briefly around the outdoor Cross erected next to the Cathedral by the faithful 90 years ago, in 1934, as a reminder of Jacques Cartier's cross in 1534. All are welcome.
COLLECTION FOR THE NEEDS OF THE CHURCH IN CANADA: Every year, the Bishops of Canada make an appeal for financial assistance to support their work. This annual collection allows each diocese to meet its financial obligations to the regional episcopal assemblies and to the national episcopal conference. The Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada will be held September 29th. Through your contribution to the collection, you too can collaborate with the Bishops in their ministry to teach, sanctify and govern.
CWL RETREAT DAY: The Timmins Diocesan annual Fall Retreat Day will take place on Saturday, September 21st from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. at St. Anthony’s Cathedral. The focus of the day will be the Year of Prayer and International Day of Peace. Keynote speaker will be Fr. John. To register contact Peggy MacInnis at or 705-465-1929. This day is open to all women of the Parish.