PRIESTHOOD: If you would like further information about becoming a priest, brother, or sister contact Fr. John or visit
SICK CALLS: If you know of a parishioner who is hospitalized or unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion please call the Parish Office.
HOSPITAL VISITATION: If you or a loved one is in the hospital and would appreciate a pastoral visit from Fr. John please call the rectory.
E-BULLETIN: For those who wish to receive an electronic copy of the bulletin each Friday in their inbox, email and request to be added to the e-bulletin list.
SANCTUARY CANDLE INTENTION: For the repose of the souls of Domenica and Ernesto Dell’Erede by their children.
SANCTUARY CANDLE: Each week we invite you to light the sanctuary lamp in memory of a loved one or for a special intention. The cost is $20.00 and you may drop the donation off at the rectory or place it in the collection with the information enclosed.
SUPPORTING THE FOOD BANK: Please continue to remember to bring your can goods each week to Mass to help support the Timmins Food Bank. Your generosity will help make the difference in the lives of others who do not have as much as we do.
DAILY MASS: You can follow Mass from St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto at or the Daily TV Mass at
HOW TO E-TRANSFER: For those who wish to donate to the Parish by e-transfer, use the email “” and the security / password “sacredheart”. Thank you for your support!
SCRIPTURE REFLECTION: “Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.” (Hebrews 2:18) When we join a support group, there is comfort is sharing our pain with people who have experienced the same thing; they understand what we are going through. The next time you experience suffering, talk to Jesus. He has experienced more suffering than most of us, He understands. Plus, Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. Only He can fill the hole you feel in your heart. (Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office)
REGISTRATION FOR FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN: Full Day Kindergarten registration at Pope Francis School for September 2025 (for children born in 2021) will be held throughout the month of February. You can also registration online by going to and clicking the “Online Registration Request”.
BAPTISMAL PREPARATION COURSE: The next baptismal preparation course for parents who wish to have their child baptized will take place on February 4th and 11th at 7:00 P.M. at St. Anthony’s Cathedral Hall. Parents must take part in both sessions prior to the baptism of their child. Pre-registration is not required.
□ Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.
□ Preghiamo perché la comunità ecclesiale accolga i desideri e i dubbi dei giovani che sentono la chiamata a servire la missione di Cristo nella vita sacerdotale e religiosa.
2024 INCOME TAX RECEIPTS: For those who would like their income tax receipt emailed to them, email and your receipt will be sent to you. For those who are in need of a paper copy, they will be available at the entrance of the Church next weekend.
FEAST OF THE CHAIR OF ST. PETER: To mark the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Bishop Poitras will preside at a special city-wide prayer service and Eucharistic Adoration at 7:00 P.M. at St. Anthony’s Cathedral on February 20th. It will be an opportunity to pray for the intentions of Pope Francis. All are welcome.
WINTER ITEMS NEEDED: The Lord’s Kitchen requires gently used mitts, sock, coats, and boots to distribute to those in need in our community. If you would like to contribute something, please drop it off when you come to Mass. Items can be placed in the usher’s room and will be brought to the Lord’s Kitchen for distribution. Thank you for your support.
MARRIAGE TIP: The month of February, known as the month of love, can sometimes create unrealistic expectations for couples. “Real” love supports their spouse when they have had a bad day, creates ways to spend time together, offers help without asking and is self-giving, not self-receiving. This month, take the time to look for ways to support the one you love and you will experience a deeper, more connected relationship. (Diocese of Hamilton Family Ministry Office
GRADE 8 OPEN HOUSE: Class of 2029, we are excited to welcome you and your family to O’Gorman High School. See for yourself why O’Gorman is the school for you! An “Open House” will take place on Tuesday, February 25th at 7:00 P.M., with doors opening 6:30 P.M. at O’Gorman High School. Please use the front entrance on George Street. This is a chance to meet staff, learn more about programs and supports, discover extra-curricular opportunities, and tour the school.
LITURGY SPOTLIGHT: Every February 2nd the Universal Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Mary and Joseph bring the newborn Jesus to the Temple, the holy place, the house of God. The presentation of the firstborn son is equivalent to his “consecration” — it is an act of thanksgiving for the gift received from the hands of the Creator, the source of life.
In the Temple, the Holy Family — Jesus, Mary, and Joseph — meet two elderly people, faithful keepers of God’s law: Simeon and Anna. That simple event contains a profound Christian symbolism: It is the embrace of the Lord of his people, who await the Messiah. That is why the liturgy sings: “You, Lord, are the light that enlightens the nations and the glory of your people Israel” (Acclamation before the Gospel, Lk 2:32). (Adapted from Catholic News Agency)