296 Cedar Street South
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Parish Bulletin

2nd & 3rd Weeks in Ordinary Time

January 19 & 26, 2025 

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Please call Fr. John or see him after Mass for any office matters. 

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Fr. John is usually available thirty minutes before weekday Mass to celebrate reconciliation or by appointment.
BAPTISM: Call the Parish Office to register for the next preparation course.
MARRIAGE: Contact Fr. John at least six months before your anticipated date of marriage.
PRIESTHOOD: If you would like further information about becoming a priest, brother, or sister contact Fr. John or visit www.vocations.ca
SICK CALLS: If you know of a parishioner who is hospitalized or unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion please call the Parish Office.
HOSPITAL VISITATION: If you or a loved one is in the hospital and would appreciate a pastoral visit from Fr. John please call the rectory.
E-BULLETIN: For those who wish to receive an electronic copy of the bulletin each Friday in their inbox, email frjohnlemire2@gmail.com and request to be added to the e-bulletin list.
SANCTUARY CANDLE INTENTION (January 19th): For the repose of the soul of Rudolph Sicoli by John & Colette Sicoli.
SANCTUARY CANDLE INTENTION (January 26th): For the special intentions of Kasa Antonello & Family by Anna Loreto.
SANCTUARY CANDLE: Each week we invite you to light the sanctuary lamp in memory of a loved one or for a special intention. The cost is $20.00 and you may drop the donation off at the rectory or place it in the collection with the information enclosed.
WEEKLY COLLECTION UPDATE: January 12th:  $3211.00.   Weekly Budget: $2350.00.  Difference: +$861.00. Renovation Fund: $100.00. Thank you for your generous support. 
SUPPORTING THE FOOD BANK: Please continue to remember to bring your can goods each week to Mass to help support the Timmins Food Bank. Your generosity will help make the difference in the lives of others who do not have as much as we do. 
DAILY MASS: You can follow Mass from St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto at www.stmichaelscathedral.com/live or the Daily TV Mass at www.youtube.com/dailytvmass
HOW TO E-TRANSFER: For those who wish to donate to the Parish by e-transfer, use the email “sacredheart296@eastlink.ca” and the security / password “sacredheart”. Thank you for your support!
SCRIPTURE REFLECTION (January 19th): “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” (1 Corinthians 12:7) St. Paul tells us that God has blessed each of us for a reason. How has God blessed you? Are you using your gifts according to God’s plan? How are you helping to build God’s kingdom here on earth? Remember that if you don’t do the work God planned for you, no one else can do it. Live the life God has intended for you. Take time to discern your charisms (gifts from the Holy Spirit).  Experience the supernatural Peace and Joy God desires for each of us.  (Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office)
The latest Priests for Life Canada newsletter is available at the entrance.
DAILY MASS ON MONDAYS: With the arrival of Fr. Jijimon we are now able to return to a daily Mass on Monday mornings at 9:00 A.M. at the Cathedral. We hope that many will avail themselves to this opportunity.
REGISTRATION FOR FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN: Full Day Kindergarten registration at Pope Francis School for September 2025 (for children born in 2021) will be held throughout the month of February. You can also registration online by going to www.ncdsb.on.ca and clicking the “Online Registration Request”.
SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD: Next Sunday (January 26th) is “Sunday of the Word of God,” established by Pope Francis to “enable the Church to experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for us the treasury of his word and enables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches before the world” (Aperuit illis, no. 2). You can celebrate this day by viewing the Sunday Seminar Series, an enriching opportunity for you to learn more about Sacred Scripture from some of the best Catholic Bible scholars in the United States. You can access the videos, along with discussion guides and suggestions for further reading at www.catholic.bible/sunday-of-the-word-of-god
BAPTISMAL PREPARATION COURSE: The next baptismal preparation course for parents who wish to have their child baptized will take place on February 4th and 11th at 7:00 P.M. at St. Anthony’s Cathedral Hall. Parents must take part in both sessions prior to the baptism of their child. Pre-registration is not required.
MARRIAGE TIP: Everyday we make choices about how we will respond in the world in which we live. We are careful to keep control and act in a certain manner when we are at work and out in public. Today make the decision to act lovingly toward your spouse, the person with whom you are sharing your life. Decide to say something nice; overlook an annoying habit; make a point of complimenting them on something nice they do for you; recognize their love for you; share a smile or a touch; offer to take a moment to hear about their day. It is the small things that add up to great feelings of love. What choice will you make today? (Diocese of Hamilton’s Family Ministry Office)
VACATION TIME: Fr. John will be away from January 16th to January 31st enjoying some time away from the Parish and life on the high sea in the Southern Caribbean. If there are any pastoral needs during this time, contact Fr. Jijimon at the Cathedral (705-264-0587).
SCRIPTURE REFLECTION (January 26th): “Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared…” (Nehemiah 8:10) Ezra’s instructions to the people show us that God does not forbid us from enjoying the good things in life. He wants us to be happy! However, God expects us to be grateful for all that He has given us and to generously share our blessings with those who are in need. Now here’s the hard part – to share all we have without expecting anything in return. (Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office)
JUBILEE 2025: The Holy Year is an opportunity to change our life, reevaluate our thinking, and start anew by learning from Jesus and placing our hope in God. This is the meaning of the Jubilee pilgrimage. (Pope Francis)