PRIESTHOOD: If you would like further information about becoming a priest, brother, or sister contact Fr. John or visit
SICK CALLS: If you know of a parishioner who is hospitalized or unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion please call the Parish Office.
HOSPITAL VISITATION: If you or a loved one is in the hospital and would appreciate a pastoral visit from Fr. John please call the rectory.
E-BULLETIN: For those who wish to receive an electronic copy of the bulletin each Friday in their inbox, email and request to be added to the e-bulletin list.
SANCTUARY CANDLE INTENTION (December 29th): For the repose of the souls of William and Catherine Davidson by Arthur Davidson.
SANCTUARY CANDLE: Each week we invite you to light the sanctuary lamp in memory of a loved one or for a special intention. The cost is $20.00 and you may drop the donation off at the rectory or place it in the collection with the information enclosed.
STAYING IN TOUCH WITH US: Don’t forget to check out our Parish website at On it you can find our weekly bulletin, podcasts of Fr. John’s homilies, and other useful information. To receive the weekly bulletin (as a PDF file) by email, contact us at and we’ll be happy to add you to the list. Finally, did you know that we are on facebook? You can find us at and you’ll find the latest news about the Parish and Church. You do not need to belong to facebook to access our page.
2024 DONATIONS: All donations for this calendar year must be received by the Parish by noon on December 31st in order to be included on your 2024 income tax receipt. Donations can be e-transferred to the Parish or dropped off to the office. Please call to make arrangements for drop-off. Your generosity is much appreciated.
HOW TO E-TRANSFER: For those who wish to donate to the Parish by e-transfer, use the email “” and the security / password “sacredheart”. Thank you for your support!
SUPPORTING THE FOOD BANK: Please continue to remember to bring your can goods each week to Mass to help support the Timmins Food Bank. Your generosity will help make the difference in the lives of others who do not have as much as we do.
DAILY MASS: You can follow Mass from St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto at or the Daily TV Mass at
REGISTRATION FOR FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN: Full Day Kindergarten registration at Pope Francis School for September 2025 (for children born in 2021) will be held throughout the month of February. You can also registration online by going to and clicking the “Online Registration Request” Button. The Northeastern Catholic District School Board’s students and staff wish you and your family all of the wonders and blessings of the Christmas Season.
ANNIVERSARY MASS: To mark the 12th anniversary of his episcopal ordination, Bishop Poitras will celebrate a special diocesan Mass this Friday (December 27th) at 12:10 P.M. at the Cathedral. All are welcome for this celebration.
CHRISTMAS THANKS: A word of thanks to all those who were involved in any way to prepare and help celebrate our Christmas liturgies. Special thanks to the members of the Parish who came out to decorate and clean the Church. Thanks to our musicians who led us in song and prayer. Their gift of music helped lift our spirits to celebrate these special Masses. We are grateful to all who donated to our flower fund in memory of loved ones. Everyone’s assistance has truly made our Christmas celebrations special and meaningful.
Let us always remember that Christmas is a time for reflecting on the blessings of God’s love — a time for thankfulness and prayer ... a time to be happy in the joy He has given us through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. May you and your loved ones have a blessed and holy Christmas and may 2025 be filled with blessings of peace, joy, and love. Fr. John
LAUNCHING THE JUBILEE YEAR: This coming year marks a significant moment in the life for the Church as we celebrate a Jubilee Year. This Jubilee Year marks the 2,025th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ!
In his letter announcing the Jubilee, Pope Francis stated: "We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire ..."
The Jubilee Year will offer various events for us to live. The first of which will happen on Sunday, December 29th at 10:00 A.M. at St. Anthony’s Cathedral. During this special city-wide Mass, Bishop Poitras will launch the Jubilee Year in our Diocese and invite all of us to embrace the Jubilee Year theme: “Pilgrims of Hope.” Please join us that day as there will be NO 11:00 A.M. Mass that morning at Sacred Heart Parish. This will be the only Mass in the city that day. There will be the regular 4:00 P.M. Mass here on Saturday afternoon.
Christmas flowers donated
in loving memory of ...
Rose & Jack Burgoyne by Margaret Burgoyne
Deceased Boivin Family by Margaret Burgoyne
Jason Burke by Frances & Bill Burke & Family
Deceased Burke, Degilo, & Kashowski Family by Frances & Bill Burke & Family
Deceased Cecchini & Del Bel Family by John & Deanna Cecchini
Alfred & Margaret Cooper by Lorna Cooper
Deborah Cooper-Normand by Lorna Cooper
Christopher Cooper by Lorna Cooper
Pat & Gina D'Alessandri & Peter & Ann Martin by Lynda D'Alessandri
Luigi & Genoeffa D'Alessandri by Lynda D'Alessandri
Federico & Maria Facca by Lynda D'Alessandri
Elio & Shirley Facca & Lorenzo & Doris Rinaldo by Lynda D'Alessandri
Umberto & Zaida Signoretti & Lawrence Lackey by Lynda D'Alessandri
William, Catherine, & Theresa Davidson by Arthur Davidson
Frances, Arthur, & Alphonse Pettipas by Arthur Davidson
William & Emily Davidson by Arthur Davidson
Barbara & Fred Arsenault by Arthur Davidson
Joseph Henry Fougere by Arthur Davidson
James & Anna Mae Davidson by Arthur Davidson
Amber & Krista Shulist by Arthur Davidson
Margaret Sequin by Arthur Davidson
Colleen Marinacci by Cathy Davis
Ernesto & Domenica Dell’Erde by Their children
John Delost by Diana Delost & Family
Matthew & Frances Pavlakovich & Mary Tenke by Diana Delost & Famiy
Anna Fiorino by Mike & Nilde Fiorino
Salvatore & Ida Fiorino by Mike & Nilde Fiorino
Antonio & Teresa Merenda by Mike & Nilde Fiorino
Angelo Giannini by Amalia & Vince Giannini
Deceased Quinn, Brideau & Lamminen Family by Lynn Lamminen
Deceased Greco & Lemire Family by Fr. John Lemire
Deceased Loreto & Mancini Family by Anna Loreto
Joseph & Mary MacDonald by MacDonald Family
Angelo Giannini, Jan, Nevenka & Bill Madzia by Madzia Family
Giovanni Merenda by Carole, Mario, & Lisa Merenda
Slavko Mesic by Katica Mesic & Family
Ivan Perkovic by Mary Perkovic & Family
Deceased Polonji & Pejakic Family by Maria Polonji & Family
Deceased Rinaldi, Villa, & Pollon Family by The Family
Angelo & Maria Rigon by Their children
Deceased Lavorato, Rinaldi, & Sicoli Family by Victor & Barbara Rinaldi
Henry & Lillian Giallonardo by Walter & Rosanne Simunovic
Joseph & Diane Simunovic by Walter & Rosanne Simunovic
David Simunovic by Walter & Rosanne Simunovic
Slavko Stefanic by Milka Stefanic & Family
Dallas Wilson by Suzanne Wilson & Family
The Forgotten by Parishioners A Parishioner
SAVE THE DATE: The Holy Name Society will be hosting their annual pasta supper on Sunday, January 12th at 5:30 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Tickets are $15.00 per person and children under 12 are free. Tickets will be next weekend or contact Glenn at 705-365-6590. All are welcome!
JANUARY 1st: New Year’s Eve or Day is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics as we celebrate the beautiful Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. Mass will be celebrated here at 4:00 P.M. on New Year’s Eve and at 11:00 A.M. on New Year’s Day.
CWL DUES: Members are invited to pay their 2025 memberships dues ($40.00). You can place an envelope (with your information noted) in the collection. New members welcome!
SCRIPTURE REFLECTION (December 29th): “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” (1 John:1) During this season of giving, let us remember a beautiful gift that we have received – being children of God! As God’s children, it’s in our DNA that we share and express our love for others as well. Tell your spouse, children, other family members and friends that you love them, every day! Also, pray for those people that are different than you, those that you may not like or those that go out of their way to annoy you. Your prayers may be the start of a new friendship. (Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office)
WINTER ITEMS NEEDED: The Lord’s Kitchen requires gently used mitts, socks, coats, toques, scarves, and boots to distribute to those in need in our community. If you would like to contribute something, please drop it off when you come to Mass. Items can be placed in the usher’s room and will be brought to the Lord’s Kitchen for distribution. Thank you for your support.
OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: The Diocese of Timmins (65 Jubilee Ave. W.) has two offices available for rent to a non-profit organization. Monthly rental includes, parking, conference room availability, and kitchen. Contact Nancy at 705-267-6224 ext 202 if interested.
□ Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
□ Preghiamo perché i migranti, i rifugiati e le persone colpite dalla guerra vedano sempre rispettato il proprio diritto all’educazione, necessaria per costruire un mondo migliore.